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3 5 Setting
by Admin
Dec 19, 2021 15:37:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Database

All known characters, species, and planets listed here.

Sub-boards: Bounties, Characters, Worlds, Races, Flora, Fauna

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No New Posts SURM

   A planet made up entirely of wasteland. The ground is cracked and barren, and toxic gas flows over the surface in noxious clouds. It is a harsh landscape to live in, but some settlements were formed on the ground for the miners to inhabit, and some criminals find it an effective place to hide out. Gasmasks are always worn outside of air-safe facilities.

   More wealthy inhabitants of the planet live in "bubble cities" which float higher in the atmosphere.

Sub-boards: Bubble Cities, Mining Towns, The Mines, The Wastes

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No New Posts HELDER

   A popular destination for vacations, Helder is known for its many beaches, lush rainforests, sandy deserts, and unusually vast salt flats- in all of which small towns have been established and continue to grow. There is little yet known about what lies beneath the teal oceans or hides among the foliage of the dense jungles, but it is precisely that which makes it a veritable treasure trove for the adventurous.

Sub-boards: The Shore, The Rainforest, The Desert

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   Standing out vividly amidst the other planets of the system, the aptly titled “Jewel of Persephone” is a beautiful, temperate sphere of colourful lands, waters, and skies. Glittering towns and cities have been gradually established upon the varicolored landscape, most commonly inhabited by wealthier individuals and those who would rather bask in beauty than roughing it with colonization and exploration. Vibrant flowers cover miles of rolling hills and plains, filling the air with wondrous aromas that mingle together not in conflict but in indescribable harmony. Crystal columns rise from pastel plateaus into the amaranthine sky, and points of light from various sources shine amidst the navy trees like stars.

   Yet just as all other life thrives here, plenty of dangers also thrive within this seeming paradise which are made all the more deadly by how beautiful and alluring they can be.

Sub-boards: Mahr Valein, Yiraelium Fields

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No New Posts FANGOL

   The central hub of the Persephone system. The primarily swamp covered world was the first to be settled upon, and has continued to be the most accessible planet for transgalactic trade and transport in spite of its stormy skies due to its relative predictability and safety.

   In addition to the endless wetlands which make up the vast majority of the usually rainy landscape, a variety of craggy plateaus, caves, and spongy knolls are also scattered across the surface of the planet.

Sub-boards: Hub, Swamp Villages, City of Shadow, Bog Settlements, The Unknown Depths, Dead Woods

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No New Posts AKANNSU

   Its surface is made up mostly of water and flowing currents, with only a scattering of islands and underwater civilizations to dwell in.

   Despite how far it is from the sun, the global climate is unusually warm- primarily due to a large molten core and numerous volcanoes. The frequent volcanic activity results in islands being destroyed and formed often compared to those on other planets

Sub-boards: Islands, Open Seas

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No New Posts BALUUR

   A planet of cool climates and a rocky, crystalline surface. Apart from the polar ice caps and countless harsh mountain ranges, there is not much environmental variation to be found above ground.

   However, deep in the caves and crystal caverns below, there are many different lands and sights to see. Colourful vegetation, bioluminescent flora and fauna, and flowing springs both cool and hot are only some of the most popular features found on Baluur.

Sub-boards: Planet Surface, The Shining City, Crystal Springs, Subterranean Forest, Cavern Town, Deep Caves

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No New Posts SÍTA VIŞALE - 1 Viewing

   Snow and ice blanket every inch of the landscape with white and the occasional palest of blues. Yet although the lack of pronounced colour variation serves to make the world seem all the more threatening when the weather is harsh, when it is calm it glitters with unparalleled beauty.

   Stepping foot on this frozen planet bears with it no small amount of risk, as is evident by how few settlements and how little exploration have been set up upon it, but it is brimming with marvels of nature and an abundance of new discoveries to be made which lead the few who dwell there successfully consider it to be well worth the potential dangers.

Sub-boards: Glacier Valley, Gamirna Falls, Ice Floes, Frozen Tundra, White Devil Ridge

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